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Sept 7th: Ieper -> Athens

Vacation starts today. Hauled our backpacks to the Ieper train station to catch the train to Brussels airport (well, ok, there's one transfer). Here's the scene on the train. We're seated on the south side of the train which also means that we're next to the tracks for trains going in the opposite direction.

So I'm looking out the window admiring the countryside (have to admit, Italy's countryside is prettier) then it's *blur* (sounds of "bbbiiisssshhhhh"). The train in the other direction is passing us. *Grumble* Then we discussed the doors in Belgium. They are mostly "push in" doors instead of the "pull out" doors I'm used to in the states. Another of those cultural differences things.
Me on the train from Ieper
Anyway, got to the airport then Adi informs me that we first need to get paper tickets for our plan tickets. !!! Huh? Paper tickets?!?! When was the last time you saw that? Stupid Greek airline.
Our plane tickets
So got our tix, checked-in, had our dinner (bread + leftover lunch meats) and now waiting at the gate where our flight is delayed. Oh yeah, as we were getting off the train at the airport, the music lyrics were "Relax! Take it easy!" Yeah baby! :) This is the way to start a vacation.
Listening to some tunes waiting for our plane at the gate
On the plane now. Talk about getting thrown back in time. We were served hot food on a short flight with silverware to boot. I mean with real forks and knives. Yes, I said knives. Had headphones to listen to the music and pillows with cotton pillow case covers - not those disposable, filmsy materials. Throw in the paper tickets and it feels like when we were travelling in the early 90s. Oh yeah, one of the music channels was 'learning Greek'. Hee hee.

Ehh ... how on earth did we arrive on time when our flight was 1 hour late? *confused looks* Wait a minute ... Greece is one hour ahead of Belgium! Doh! Timezone confusion once again. Landed and got to our hotel (Hotel Alokovros) at about 2/2:30 AM *yawn*

Day 2: Athens