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September 8th: Athens

Woke up this morning debating whether or not to get up and get breakfast or just stay in bed some more. Hummed and hawed and finally said yeah ok. So got dressed, went down and NO BREAKFAST! What? Oh wait ... stupid phone here don't auto-synchronise. So it's actually 10 AM. Grrrr... Oh well, guess we'll just start our day. Met Carolien and Ian. Walked to the Acropolis. Ticket was 12 euros but there're tickets for other sites as well.
Acropolis from the entrance
I think this was taken on the way to the theatre of Dionysos
Saw the theatre of Dionysos then went up to the temple Athena/Parthenon.
Theatre of Dionysos
Another view of the theatre of Dionysos
me, Adi and Ian
Didn't forget crab. Crab went too.
Saw the theatre of Dionysis then went up to the temple Athena/Parthenon.
On the way to see the Parthenon, we saw the Odeum Herodes Atticus
Another view of the Odeum
Adi with the Odeum behind
Me with the Odeum behind
View of the Odeum from above near where the Parthenon is
Adi and I in front of the Parthenon
Top portion of the Parthenon (part of it)
Adi and I taking a breather
Erechtheum. This is next to the Parthenon
More pictures of the Erechtheum
Don't forget crab!
Climbed more rocks. From there, the view of the city is quite fantastic.
View of the city of Athens from the Parthenon
Next, we proceeded to visit ancient agora. Mostly flatted structures really. Actually, most of the ancient sites are flattened.
Ancient Agora from above
One of the few standing buildings in Ancient Agora
Carolien, me, Adi and Ian. It was really hot!
Poor limbless statue
As we were walking to find food/lunch, we tried deciphering the greek words. I tell you ... all those years in engineering school using the greek symbols (α, β, ζ), you'd think it's be helpful but noooo. I returned all that to my professors. :( Oh yeah, in Greek, 'ne' (nay) means yes and 'ochi' (o-key) means no. How confusing.

After lunch, we wanted to go to the Keramikos Cemetary. Our waiter gave us directions and said "I've never been there. I try to stay away from cemetaries. Not my time yet!" Hee hee :)
Keramikos Cemetary
Some arch architecture
This is the street of tombs
Looks what we saw there
Rest time. So we got to walking about pictures and cameras when Ian asked Adi "How big is your stick (memory stick)?" Carolien and I looked at each other before she replied "You don't ask such things!". LOL
Some statues at the museum where the cemetary is
Interesting pottery
Saw Roman Agora and temple of Olympian Zeus. Not much to mention.
Can't remember the name now but some building at the Roman Agora
Columns (whatever is left) at Roman Agora
This isn't at the Roman Agora but it was close by. Supposedly, it used to be a library.
Olympian Zeus
Me at the Olympian Zeus
Me and Adi at Olympian Zeus (after we managed to fix the camera)
Taking a bit more rest before heading out to Plaka for dinner. Had some traditional Greek food for dinner - Tsatsiki, Taramosalata, etc and Greek white wine. Wandered around Plaka some. Plaka is the old town with lots of stores and restaurants.
Me and Carolien at the Plaka
Weather at night in Athens is awesome. We then went to take some night pictures of Acropolis.
Odeum at night from the other side
Parthenon at night
Ancient Agora at night. That's Hephaestus brightly lit.
Olympian Zeus at night

Day 3: Athens to Tinos