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Gilroy Garlic Fest / Winchester House 2007

Welcome to Gilroy Garlic Festival. Some folks love their garlic so much that they dress like one.
I tried to get into it but I don't think the garlic hat fits me :)
Kathryn and Pierre enjoying some garlic fries
Went to Winchester House in San Jose which is actually across Santana Row. This is a sample of how odd the place was built. This set of stairs led to nowhere.
Mrs. Winchester spent a lot of money on this beautiful Tiffany glass window only to have placed it facing North and also building something in front of it so that no light will shine on it.
This is the outside looking at the door to nowhere. From inside the house, if you were to open the door, you'd drop 2 floors!

Mount Diablo (Dublin, CA)

View from the top of Mount Diablo. These are clouds and not fog!
Me hiking down the canyon before getting lost!
Pierre smiling since he doesn't know yet that we will get lost!

Muir Woods

Kat at the beginning of the trail - entrance of Muir Woods
Me standing next to 1 of the fallen redwood trees. It's "taller" than me!
This is a burl. Something that redwood trees develop so as to ensure their survival of their offsprings.
Kat standing inside a 'cavern' of the roots of a redwood tree
Kat taking a rest on a bridge along the trail. Lazy ass!
Kat hauling herself up the trail towards Panoramic Highway. This was the only part of our hike where we did not have any shade.
Me on a rock from which I took the picture of Kathryn walking up the switchbacks
Folks we met along the way back to the entrance helped us take this picture
I think when there is enough water, it's supposed to be a waterfall behind where Kat is standing
Me performing a herculean act - carry a redwood tree
Yeah right! ;)
View of San Francisco from Sausalito
Some guy doing art balancing rocks
Pigeon on a seal statue