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Welcome to Belgium

Arrived on September 2nd, 2007. Happy Birthday Adi! Stupid airline lost 1 of my luggage. Argh
Me in Brussels Center where there was a beer festival.
After lunch in Gent. Walked around town and saw this museum with guys looking like this standing outside.
Adi and I along the big canal in Gent

September 3rd: Labour day holiday. Did a day trip to Brugges - Chocolate capital of the world
Stopped at Kortijke to change trains. Took a quick turn of the town.
Looky who's here in Brugges
Ehh ... can't remember what this building is
Line of horse carriages
Row of restaurants in Grodt Markt. It would have been a lot prettier if the weather wasn't so gloomy/rainy.
This is at the Burg
Close-up of part of the facade of the Basilica of The Holy Blood.
Gothic Town Hall
I don't remember what this build is
But this is the view from the other side of the 'tunnel'
Crab and I in Burg
Little Venice of the North
Able to see the Belffroi with the canal
Crab wanted to see the canal too.

Sometime in September...
Road from the apt to the end of the city where the Menin Gate is
Menin Gate in Ieper. There's another gate called Lille Gate which I didn't take a picture of. This is the closest one to the apt.
Walking along the wall from Menin Gate.
Further along the path on the gate
Arches on the outside of the Cathedral
Carvings on 1 of the doors of the Cathedral
Statue outside the front of the cathedral. Don't ask me of who.
Park inside Ieper. This was about 1-2 "blocks" away from the apt
View of 1 side of the Grodt Markt (side where the cloth hall is)
Cloth Hall in Ieper. Darn thing was quite long! So hard to take a picture of. Inside is a museum In Flander's Field about World War I
Adi and I in front of the Cloth Hall
Clock tower of the Cloth Hall. Can't remember the exact name of it
This is the part of the Cloth Hall that's closest to Grodt Markt
The Cloth Hall at night
Adi and I in front of the Cloth Hall at night
Woo hoo!